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a mixed media mosaic created by Emma Cavell

My Background
  & Process

Feeling deep appreciation for my early life, growing up in a super abundant garden,

bursting with wondrous plants, flowers and bountiful blossoms.

Learning from a young age how to meet with nature in her fullness of spirit.

Family life was coloured with complexity, tragedy and challenge. 

I found great solace within the wholeness of garden space,

which heightened my awareness of our deeply interconnected, cyclical nature.


Our bohemian home was full of floral interiors, antiques,

unconventional ornaments and myriad curiosities. 

Many of which continue to inspire and adorn my mosaic art today.


In my early twenties I began exploring the process of making sculptural ceramics

over many years at a local art school. 

During that time I was invited to join a weekend course making mosaics. 


I loved the idea of working in instant colour and form.

I meandered with mosaic process and arrived in love!

I later became artist in residence at a local historical house and spiritual centre,

which offered courses, retreats and B&B. 

People visited from all over the country, and around the world, which enabled me to

meet and explore with many colourful seekers. 


My studio was the ground floor of a small 17th Century listed cottage

in the grounds of the center. The cottage looked out onto a wonderful walled garden,

which I helped to care for, harvesting inspiration for my art.



I am greatly inspired by the beauty and generosity of our natural world;

offering her authentic, curative ground of endless wonderment and creativity. 


I love feeling into the eternal ebb and flow of creative nature as our essential rhythm.

Embracing ebb time, the precious pause, as a longing for,

and a needing to return to rest deeply within the still heart of nature’s nest. 

Inviting us to trust in re-connection with the silence of source. 

A time for letting go, for listening within and aligning

with our eternal frequency of freshness, flowing into being.

I play with various practices which support energetic clearing,

mainly through sound, Qigong and dance/movement.

I find this brings me more into my body, supporting the emergence of fresh, vibrant energy which helps me in birthing a clear space for day dreaming,

wondering and glimpsing potentiality.

I also love to walk, dance and sing in the woods. 

Receiving great gifts of light and love from the trees,

plants and creatures gathered around. 

Always returning in a fullness of blessing, ready for the studio!


I’m passionate about vintage china.

Appreciating the endless possibility of myriad pattern with tender hues and tones. 

Inspiring a deep sense of memory and creative potentiality within. 


The vintage ware has a fine body and reliable quality, which allows for clean, strong cuts.

I find this material very pleasing to create with.


The whole process of making mosaics is a miraculous quest of gathering together diverse materials, from house clearances to charity & curiosity shops.

Enabling an endless enchanted flow of abundant potentiality and great fun! 


I’m always in deepest appreciation for unique donated gifts of broken antiques,

vintage wonders, figurines, vases and re-claimed stained glass.


My studio is abounding with many colour coded palettes, brimming with

vintage china treasures,

enabling me to be in spontaneous mosaic flow with ease of application.


I appreciate my precious hand tools.  Cutters and nippers of various shapes and sizes,

some handed down through generations.  Trustworthy allies and dear friends!

I spend time musing with mosaic movement,

 which often involves sitting and loosely nipping and cutting pieces of china.

Feeling into and aligning myself with little sparks of Angelic inspiration.

Gently shaping each fragment, listening from within my heart to the calling colours,

miracles begin transpiring through mosaic metamorphosis.

I use various cement-based adhesives and PVA glues

for fixing the fragments to the different surfaces. 

I often use natural pigments to colour the final grout application,

which creates depth and helps to unify the whole piece.


My intention is to encourage harmony to emerge from diverse and discarded materials.


Sharing the deeply restorative process of gently reawakening creativity through brokenness.


‘Peace by Piece’ facilitating beauty. 

Sharing the joy and wonder of creative regeneration

through the healing process of co-creating miraculous mosaics’


Thank you for your interest!

In loving kindness and blessing,



a mixed media mosaic created by Emma Cavell
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